Sunday 12 January 2014

Basing on my past relationships, I have come to realize that love truly covers a multitude of sins because once you love; you may not care much about one’s imperfections. That is why many say love is blind. I think it’s not. Instead love is realistic enough not to hate someone due to imperfections. However, realize that there are things that love will not change! Love won’t remove the big mouth, the long nose, the big cheeks, the big tummy, the big ears, the small butt or the small legs. Love may not conquer everything. If he is gangster or a thief, if she is a stripper, what makes you think that you will change him or her? He or she may soon or later try out those things on you too.

Therefore, don’t make him/her your project. Don’t swear to change him or her. There’s one savior and you’re not the one! God is love but love is not god! There things it may not do. Be realistic. Some incompatibilities just won’t go away, no matter how much you care. If you can’t love him or her the way he or she is NOW, then quit as soon as possible. You won’t find peace or even arrive into marriage. Therefore, for your relationship to work, love him or her as he or she is now. If that is not possible now, it won’t be possible then. Think about it my friends and act accordingly.

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