Friday, 3 April 2015

Hello Reader, welcome Back to TechMadHunter Hope Every Thing Is Okay at Your End. So, Today's Article Is On Android. And Which Is How To Reveal Saved Passwords In Uc Browser. Many a Time Your Friends Login Using Their Facebook or Any Other Social Media Site In Your Device Via Uc Browser. And Fortunately They Save Their Password. Though There Is No Option To Reveal That Option In Uc Browser. Indeed I was researching on it and I Got to know A Tick. By Which We Can reveal the saved password In Uc Browser. And I Am Damn Sure You Will Like It.

 What Is Uc Browser?
 UC Browser is a mobile browser developed by UC Web (also known as UC Mobile). It Was Originally launched in April 2004 as a J2me-only application, it is now available on platforms including Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Symbian, Java ME and Blackberry. In 2010, UC Browser introduced its first iOS app in the Apple App Store.
With a huge user base in China, strong adoption in India and continued growth in emerging regional markets, UC Browser reached  500 million global users in March 2014.

Features Of Uc Browser:-

1#:-Data Compression:-  The browser uses cloud acceleration and data compression technology. UC Browser's servers act as a proxy which compresses the data of web pages before sending it to users. This process helps load web content faster. The browser can adapt to different network environments and support multi-file format downloading. In addition, UC Browser has HTML5 web app and cloud syncing features. UC Browser is available on several smartphone and feature phone platforms, but Android represents the largest user-base for the company, with 300 million of its 500 million total on Google's mobile OS. Data compression reduces data consumption while users are browsing. Since 2006, UC Browser has been leveraging more compression and rendering work on its server, similar to the operation of a thin client

2#:-UC+: HTML5, WebApp and Add-ons:- In July 2013, UC Web announced the UC+ Open Platform. The platform consists of a WebApp store, an Add-on Platform and an Application Bookmark Platform. It went live with the launch of UC Browser v9.2 for Android.  Developers can use an SDK provided to create programs that can be called on in different usage scenarios. Users can download them from the browser's add-on panel to get a more personalized internet browsing experience, like the sharing to SNS, webpage translation, augmented reality, voice control, etc. The Application Bookmark Platform allows partner websites to put up a QR code on UC Browser for users to scan the code and add the webpage to their bookmarks. The UC WebApp Center was one of the first for mobile WebApp in China.

3#:-Download management :- The browser supports simultaneous downloads and includes a download manager, including pages for offline reading. It supports pause-and-resume downloads. The new version of download manager has improved features to solve problems while downloading such as an intermittent internet connection and mislabeled files.The download process will continue even after you completely close UC Browser and the download process will automatically resume if the download is interrupted for some reason, again, all in the background.

4#:-Cloud system:- The cloud system used by the browser distributes data from the closest servers. As a result, the loading process is quicker and smoother. A "View it later" mode caches web pages with their videos, images and text for offline viewing

 You May Also Read: Download Instagram for PC (Windows 8/7/XP and Mac)

 How To Reveal The Saved Password?

Step1#:-Open The site In Which The Victim Has Saved The Password.

Step2#:-Tap On Password

Step3#:- Now The Main Thing, Add Any Letter At The End Of The Password, I am Adding “*”.

Step4#:- Now Tap On Log In

Step5#:- A New Page Saying “Your PassWord Is Incorrect.” Tap On “Off” Option.

Step6#:- Congratulation You Got The Victim’s Password. The Before “*” Or Any Letter You Have Added  Is The Victim’s Password .

Thank You! For Reading This Article. New Interesting Article Are Coming Soon. If You Like This Article Kindly Share It. If You Have Any Query Than Comment Below.

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